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/ Hráč 2004 June / Hrac_70_2004-06_dvd.iso / Updates&patches / Knights Of The Temple / knightsofthetemplepatch1.exe

Jump To: Text (13)  |  Other (15)

Text (13)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CampaignGui.xrg Text File 430 10KB 2004-03-19
ClientGui.xrg Text File 248 6KB 2004-03-19
GUI_NewGame.xrg Text File 474 22KB 2004-03-19
GUI_Options_KeyBindings_Template.xrg Text File 639 14KB 2004-04-08
GUI_StatusMenu.xrg Text File 551 15KB 2004-03-18
MainGui.xrg Text File 1,055 30KB 2004-03-09
StringTable_Eng_PC.txt Text File 100 5KB 2004-03-08
StringTable_Eng.txt Text File 775 48KB 2004-03-18
StringTable_Fre_PC.txt Text File 100 5KB 2004-03-09
StringTable_Fre.txt Text File 768 53KB 2004-03-18
StringTable_Ger.txt Text File 808 53KB 2004-03-18
StringTable_Spa.txt Text File 767 50KB 2004-04-02
Templar.xrg Text File 11 353b 2004-03-06

Other Files (15)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
GameClasses.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 4MB 2004-04-23
GameWorld.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2MB 2004-04-23
MCCdyn.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 569KB 2004-04-23
MSystem.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 3MB 2004-04-23
MXR.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2MB 2004-04-23
RndrD3D8.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1MB 2004-04-23
RndrGL.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 643KB 2004-04-23
Templar.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 3MB 2004-04-23
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
02_escape_c.XW Unknown 28MB 2004-03-19
04_the_watermill_c.XW Unknown 21MB 2004-03-19
07_Grandmaster_A.XW Unknown 30MB 2004-03-19
07_Grandmaster_B3.XW Unknown 16MB 2004-03-19
Dialogue_AI.XWC Unknown 7MB 2004-02-09
Dialogue_Paul.XWC Unknown 1MB 2004-02-09
Gui.xtc Unknown 4MB 2004-03-19